Union Park, Tangerang
A distinctive 6 ha urban park with an eco-friendly design which connects and integrates a series of residential neighbourhoods
SFA’s concept design scheme established an overall theme and identity for this linear park. It must accommodate a set of electricity towers and respond to distinct variations in topography, which include areas that are prone to flooding.
Drawing on the existing hydrological and topographical features of the site, the design of Union Park is inspired by the sequence of transitional landscape forms and habitats that are shaped by the lifeline of a watercourse as it flows from mountain spring to lowland marsh. Union Park offers opportunities for water cascades, stepping stones and bridges in the ‘stream play’ zone to the east; a temporary lake with terraced play and performance spaces in the central zone; and a natural lake, with jogging tracks, look-out decks and boardwalk bridges in the ‘marsh’ zone to the west. The park celebrates seasonal changes in the level and character of waterways and lakes, connecting local communities with the wonder of water.
PT. Paramount Enterprise