A 8 ha commercial development, with a leisure quarter (food and drink) and an adjacent retail park which forms the gateway to Colchester from the west.
The landscape proposals for Stane Park reflect the character of the existing landscape to the west of Colchester, which has a relatively heathy character, with a preponderance of oak, ash, hawthorn and birch species. The Stane Park Leisure Quarter is not a typical out-of-town retail/restaurant outlet – it offers a high quality environment for eating and relaxing which is designed as a ‘pocket park’, with a pleasant ambience and space for children to play. The landscape design strategy delivers a highly legible, pedestrian-friendly and distinctive public realm, with zones of activity differentiated by striking paving, sculptural planters, hedgerows and tree planting. The adjacent retail park has larger scale units (B&Q, Marks and Spencer and Aldi). around a central car park A detailed landscape and visual impact assessment has informed the landscape masterplan for this sensitive gateway site.
Churchmanor Estates