Landscape types
Brecks Landscape Character

Description and guidance for managing the plantations, river valleys and farmland landscapes of the Brecks, with graphic analysis to show how the landscape has evolved from post-glacial times to the present day

This landscape character assessment, developed in support of a Stage 2 HLF application ('Breaking New Ground'). incorporates guidance for their future management and a user-friendly narrative that aims to improve people's understanding of the Brecks and its special 'sense of place'. Five case studies tell the story of these local landscapes, illustrating how the landscape has evolved from post glacial times to the present day. The sequence of drawings highlights the remnant historic features that help to create a strong local identity, contributing layers of meaning and a sense of time-depth in the landscape. A follow up study, which identifies and describes the Brecks' Special Qualities, aims to reinforce local distinctiveness and to conserve and enhance the special character of the Brecks landscape

Brecks Partnership

Suffolk County Council

Landscape types
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