Pocket Park
Nava Park - Lakewood

A lively landscape masterplan which establishes an attractive, comfortable backdrop for everyday life in a high quality mixed use development

This is a richly textured, colourful environment with an emphasis on recreational activities. Cycleways, footpaths and an attractive jogging track are integrated within the masterplan alongside links to the surrounding neighbourhoods.

The component landscape spaces include the strong grid of colourful planting along the North Garden; the welcoming shaded seating, pool and play areas of Central Park; and a recreational link known as the Linear Garden, which incorporates places to meet, a jogging track and an exercise point. These recreational routes continue through the West Garden and the Connecting Park, which incorporates extensive facilities for play and sport. A separate show unit - the Home Garden - demonstrates an option for the design of a luxurious private landscape.

PT Bumi Parama Wisesa


Aecom (overall masterplan)

Pocket Park
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