Grand Sungkono Apartment, Surabaya
Landscape design for a high rise apartment tower as part of a sustainable development complex
The Venetian Apartment Tower is a striking landmark in Surabaya, visible from the city's major highways. It is part of the sustainable complex of the Grand Sungkono Lagoon and, like the historic city of Venice, is 'surrounded by' water. The form of the swimming pools to the north of the tower is inspired by the formal, decorative character of the Venetian canals. The spaces are shaped by bridges, stepping stones, sun terraces and smaller pools for children. There is also a large children's play area surrounded by trees. The water theme continues around the building, with a gateway water feature and a series of attractive rain gardens. Despite the constraints of minimal soil depth, the area has a welcoming, green character, with flowering trees and shrubs.
PT PP Properti
PT Haerte (HRT) Widya Kons (Structural Engineer)
PT SCUDD (Greenship building consultant)