The green roof and vertical green wall of the World Trade Centre III office tower contributes to the GOLD MARK sustainability standard for this office tower within Jakarta’s Metropolitan Complex
This is a highly engineered environment, with relatively little space for landscape works. The majority of the landscape is on slabs, but the severe constraints of soil depth are resolved by the design of a cascading planted ‘green wall’.
Every inch of space is used and the planting is designed to provide a sense of enclosure and relaxation - an opportunity for contact with nature. It is also used to help orientate visitors and to screen the servicing infrastructure of the building.
A consistent palette of hard landscape materials includes dark grey and black Andesit slabs, which contrast with white walls and stepping stones and flashes of stainless steel detailing.
Jakarta Land
Aedas pte Ltd. (Singapore) - Concept Architect
PT. Anggara Architeam - Architect
PT. Davi Sukamta Konsultan - Structural Engineer
Beca Engineering NZ - M&E
PT. Wolferstan Troweer Indonesia (WT Partnership) - QS